A few weeks ago I posted pictures of a mural I did as well as WIP photos of it. I mentioned a mural I did a few years ago (my first one) and I was asked to post pictures of it. Our garden was on a local garden tour and I painted the walls for that day. Most of the plants were new so they were pretty small and the mural showed all the way around this small patio. Here are some pictures. I know I took some pictures when I first finished it but I don't know where they are. Since I painted it, the plants have really grown so most of it isn't visible anymore. That's okay. Even though it took me about 40 hours to paint it, I'm ready for something a little different which is good because we need to get the house painted and I really wasn't looking forward to painting around the mural.

Please forgive the bad photo. This is one wall that I will do a new mural on after we re-paint the house because there is no planter directly in front of it. You can see plants in front of it here but there is a walkway between the wall and the planter. The wall always looked very stark to me and originally, this was the only wall I planned to paint. I was having so much fun with it that I decided to paint all of the walls.

Can you tell which of the plants are real and which are painted?

There are a bunch of different types of plants painted behind this schefflera. You can see a piece of a spiky looking plant if you look way off to the right side of the photo.

This is a part that I will probably paint around and then just touch up because I like the feel of the path leading into the distance. This part was really never finished. I planned to put some more distinct plants in the foreground and a multi-trunk birch in the corner and onto the side wall but I ran out of time and after the garden tour was over, I decided it was finished. Ha Ha.