Monday, June 11, 2012

Murky Waters

I painted this from a photo that I took in La Manzanilla, Mexico at a crocodile farm.  I wanted to have 'crocodile' in the name but since there are no crocodiles in the painting, I thought it probably wouldn't make much sense.

The crododiles in the farm looked fake.  They were so large and most of them didn't move until food was thrown to them.  They looked like they were made out of cement!  I didn't know that they could grow that large.  I've heard that they can move very quickly but these guys were very lethargic since they really didn't have to do anything to get food.  Crazy humans throw food to them all day - and yes, we were some of the crazy humans feeding them.  There was a place at the entrance selling frozen fish parts.  Watching them eat was gross and fascinating at the same time.  Ugh!  They sure are ugly and evil looking.

Anyway, in these murky waters, you can be sure that those creatures hide just below the surface.

Murky Waters
Image Size 22" x 30"


  1. This is a lovely painting Nancy. Will you be painting at Chemer's on Thursday?

  2. Thank you Dana. No, I won't be painting at Chemers but I might stop by if I'm not busy. It sounds like fun!

  3. Une très jolie composition pour cette aquarelle... Je sens un peu votre déception après avoir visité cette ferme aux crocodiles qui ne va pas m'encourager à me rendre à celle qui se trouve dans ma région avec mon petit-fils.

    J'aime la manière que vous avez traité l'eau. Joli travail.
    Gros bisous

  4. Merci Martinealison. Profitez de la ferme aux crocodiles avec votre fils.

  5. I think this is truly stunning, Nancy. I love your point of view on this piece and water and trees together can grab my eyes all day long. You can almost see the crocodiles beneath the surface too.

  6. Thank you Sherry. I tried to work the greenery a bit differently than I usually do and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. It's much looser than I usually paint.

  7. Great post and beautiful painting, Nancy!! Putting your darks beneath the boats makes it pop...really nice piece!! You're right about the crocodiles..they're not very attractive! Ha..Ha..

  8. The crocs sound scary and creepy, but your painting is beautiful. I love the way you used blue on the interior shadows of the boats and also in the water. I used to live in Orange County and remember going to the Reptile Farm near Knott's when I was little. Do they still have that over there?

  9. Thank you Theresa. I'm not sure if the Reptile Farm is there or not. I never knew about that. I do remember a deer farm by there. I would be surprised if either of them is still there.


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