Sunday, January 26, 2014

TerraSkin Pear, 30 in 30 - Day 26

Here's another pear.  I'm really reaching for subject matter now.  I'm looking forward to the finish line of this challenge.  I usually paint every day but I don't usually have to finish a painting each day.  I don't know how artists do this "painting a day" for years.  I now appreciate the dedication that they possess and know that I don't have it.

I haven't worked on TerraSkin for awhile.  I love how the colors glow on this surface and it was fun to paint this little pear.  If you haven't tried TerraSkin, it has characteristics similar to Yupo but I like it much better.

TerraSkin Pear
Image Size 5" x 5"


  1. With you sister, ready for the end. Can't imagine going for years either, I don't have that stamina. Like the pear, shape and color. Does the terra skin stay wet so it can move around like the Yupo? Thought that would be neat but found I really didn't like it as I just ended up with mud.

    1. With TerraSkin, the paint does sit on the surface. It is a bit different to work with but I like the look and the challenge.


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